2019 Feng Shui setup for Love and Relationship
/2019 Feng Shui Setup for Love and Relationship
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Enhance North and Northwest in 2019 Pig year
According to the annual Flying Star chart, number 4, the star of talent and romance, is located in the North this year. And number 9 star, the marriage and festive event star, is located in the Northwest. These are the 2 sectors we can enhance in 2019 for the best love, relationship, and popularity luck.
Decorate these sectors with the 5 element enhancing colors and decoration to increase the lucky energy of the stars.
Be careful with the Tai Shui star. It is also located in the Northwest in 2019 year of the Pig. Reduce the negative Qi with celestrial animals such as Pi Xiu or Qi Lin.
Display symbols of happiness and love in these areas such as beautiful flowers, pink crystals, or pictures of happy couple.
Flying Star Feng Shui for March 2025 includes suggestions for the five elements, along with Feng Shui cures and enhancers. This month, the best direction is southeast.